Peter Kemle
Magdalena Schwalm
Phillipp Kemle
Katharina Schurr

Peter Kemle


Family Links

Elisabeth Sattelmeyer

Peter Kemle 2,129

  • Born: 19 Dec 1901, Mramorak, Yugoslavia 129
  • Marriage: Elisabeth Sattelmeyer in 1922
  • Died: 4 Oct 1944, Bavaniste, , Srbija, Yugoslavia at age 42 129

   Cause of his death was Concentration Camp.129

  General Notes:

vor der Internierung ab 1941, gestorben, Bavaniste 129

Peter married Elisabeth Sattelmeyer in 1922. (Elisabeth Sattelmeyer was born on 22 Feb 1904 in Mramorak, Yugoslavia and died in 2000 in Canada 130.)